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Vladimir Putin Ucapkan Selamat kepada Team Spirit di TI 10, Teladan!

Gama Prabowo - Selasa, 19 Oktober 2021 | 18:30
Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

Namun, hal tersebut salah besar karena surat dari Vladimir Putin benar-benar nyata dan tercantum di website pemerintah Rusia.

Berikut merupakan isi dari ucapan selamat Valdimir Putin di surat resminya.

Dear Friends!

I congratulate you on your deserved victory at The International-2021, the Dota-2 world championship. For the first time in history, a Russian team from the Team Spirit club has won these prestigious matches. Well done!

On the path to the final you demonstrated clear leadership qualities, and, in the decisive match, which was a genuine test of expertise and character, you were able to concentrate, and, at the most crucial moment, to seize the initiative from strong opponents. You proved in practice that our cyber sportspeople are always focused on the result and capable of scaling any heights.

I wish you fresh success and all the best.

Vladimir Putin

Baca Juga: Dr.Tirta Ternyata Pemain Dota Senior, Gak Cuma Mirip TORONTOTOKYO!

Jika kita lihat pada paragraf kedua, Vladimir Putin menjelaskan betapa bangganya ia akan perjuangan Team Spirit di turnamen The International 10.

Putin menyebutkan bahwa Team Spirit telah mendemonstrasikan dengan jelas tentang kualitas kepemimpinan dalam mengalahkan musuh-musuh besar.

Kemudian, Team Spirit juga disebut telah merepresentasikan pegiat esports di Rusia yang selalu berfokus pada hasil dan mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan.

Surat Vladimir Putin kepada Team Spirit di website

Surat Vladimir Putin kepada Team Spirit di website

Editor : Grid Games

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